Antivirus engine
Blocks viruses and spyware. |
Remote assistance
Lets a friend help if you have trouble with your computer. |
Streaming virus database updates
Stays up to date through more than 200 daily virus updates. |
Secures online banking and purchases (e.g. airline tickets). |
Blocks hacker attacks, protects your data and identity. |
Blocks phishing scams and other email spam. |
Automatic Software Updater
Keeps your programs updated automatically. |
Lets you access your PC from remote locations. |
Advanced Privacy Tools
Can securely wipe your hard drive when needed. |
Downloading avast! Avast Premier 8.0.1489
2. Pilih Setting >> troubleshooting
3. Hilangkan centang Enable avast! self defense-module
4. Copy paste / copy and replace license.avastlic
c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\
c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\AVAST Software\Avast\
5. Restart
Avast Premier 8.0.1489 Plus Key
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